
New Construction/Remodel

We Handle New Construction Plumbing from Sewer Lines to Plumbing Fixtures

A-1 Affordable Plumbing Inc provides new construction plumbing for residential and commercial projects, including setting sewer and water lines under the foundationrunning hot and cold water lines, and installing plumbing fixtures. We also handle permitting in correlation to Florida laws and re-piping. We work closely with general contractors, investors, engineers, and real estate agents, to create the network of pipes needed for your project. We offer free estimates for our new construction plumbing projects.

The Process for New Construction Plumbing Projects


The first phase of any new construction project is setting the sewer lines and water lines under the foundation.

Once the frame work is up, our company runs hot and cold lines and finishes installing the sewer lines.
Final Trim

There is nothing more beautiful than to see a shiny finished product installed. Visually appealing and functioning plumbing fixtures can add a wow factor to any new home.

We are licensed, insured and registered with all the surrounding counties, to pull permits for your job, or attach to your existing permit as a subcontractor.
Due to the harsh Florida water, common problems include corroded pipes or polybutylene piping that is discontented and brittle. We recommend a re-pipe if you are experiencing any of these issues.
For more information, or to schedule new construction plumbing service, call us at