
6 Tips to Help You Save on Plumbing Remodeling Costs

Overhead shot of plumbing wrench and assorted plumbing pipes on top of a blueprint

Plumbing remodeling work can be expensive, with bathroom remodeling costing an average of $5300. However, the price shouldn’t get in the way of making changes around your home to achieve the great look you have always desired. Below are tips that can help you minimize your remodeling costs.

1. Schedule the Remodel Beforehand

Scheduling your work with your plumber beforehand will cost less compared to hiring emergency services for remodeling. Calling your plumber days before the remodel also gives the plumber adequate time to determine your project needs.

This also helps them give input on your remodeling needs. They can offer cost-effective and highly functional solutions. Additionally, you can ask for a quote and get an estimate of what the entire project will cost, helping you prepare better.

2. Don’t Interfere With the Load-Bearing Walls

Load-bearing walls are the walls that hold up the roof and an upper floor around your home. Therefore, renovations that involve moving these walls will come with other structural changes that will cost a fortune.

If your current remodeling plan interferes with load-bearing walls, consider the possibility of limiting your expansion to non-load-bearing walls. Non-load-bearing walls are easy to move or remove with minimal effort and cost.

3. Refinish Some Elements Rather Than Replacing Them

Replacing the current plumbing fixtures with new ones will often add to the remodeling costs. Besides, this might include some construction changes and demolitions to accommodate the new elements depending on the project.

Identify which items that don’t need replacement. You can determine if the replacement is necessary by considering if you want to replace them for aesthetic or functional reasons. If the plumbing fixtures are operable but unattractive, you can refinish them or dress them up rather than opting for replacements.

For example, when working on a bathroom remodel, you can refinish the bathtub using an attractive coating rather than buying another bathtub. Besides saving you money, refinishing is also an environmentally friendly alternative.

4. Avoid Changing the Current Plumbing Footprint

When planning out your renovation, choose modifications that can use the current plumbing footprint. Changing the footprint or existing layout will often increase your plumbing costs.

For example, changing the pipes’ location or vent stacks can involve more hectic activities and need additional labor that will cost more. Thus, if possible, maintain your plumbing in place as you remodel.

5. Maintain the Electrical Circuits Around Plumbing Fixtures

Often, during remodeling, fixtures will also need wiring upgrades to meet electrical code standards. When replacing fixtures, opt for models with the same or lower demand for electricity to avoid altering the electrical circuit.

Changing electrical circuits around your house costs an average of $2100. So, where possible, maintain the current electrical circuit. As long as the

current wiring is functional and safe and meets your current needs, consider retaining it.

6. Use Crimp-Fit Couplings Instead of Push-Fit

Couplings join two pipes and hold them in place. Two main types of couplings are available: crimp-fit and push-fit couplings.

Crimp-fit couplings use a copper ring that is squeezed over the two pipes and tightly holds in place with the help of a crimping tool. In contrast, a push-fit coupling doesn’t need any equipment. The plumber will only need to push the two pipes and join them. While push-fit couplings are convenient as they don’t need any tools, they cost considerably more than crimp couplings.

However, before making any purchases, consult with your plumber on whether they’ll need many couplings. Although push-fit couplings are ideal for small projects, they can triple the cost of raw materials for the renovations for bigger projects.

Do you have any plumbing remodeling ideas in mind? Enjoy competitive plumbing rates and services from A -1 Affordable Plumbing Inc today.
